The project is supported by EU funds within European Regional Development Fund, Smart Growth Operational Programme for the period 2014-2020, priority axis 3: Support for innovation in enterprises, action: 3.3: Support for promotion and internationalisation of innovative enterprises Astana/Hannover, sub-measure 3.3.3: Support for promotion of product brands in SMEs – “Go to Brand”.
The aim of the project is to promote internationally HPE 8 brand and following products and services through participation in trade fairs in Kazakhstan:
– nitrogen generation and distribution systems,
– pneumatic systems for air brakes testing in freight trains,
– certification and design services in oil and gas industry and energetics sector.
The planned effects are to increase the share of exports in the company’s revenues.
Dates: 20.02.2017-30.12.2017
The cost of the project: 348 139,59 PLN
Amount of the endowment: 221 175,00 PLN