The purpose of the installation is to perform a train bake test without the need to use a locomotive. Train brake test systems consists of a compressor module located in a dedicated container, at least single test module and a connection module located near a rail track. The system allows to perform fully automatic train brake test and saves results of the test as a report. The control is carried out by a GSM remote control device.

Advantages of the HPE8 train brake test systems:

  • Automation of the train brake test guarantees its repeatability and security.
  • Possibility of performing tests on several tracks simultaneously.
  • Shortening the duration of the test – improving the auditor’s work.
  • No need to involve the locomotive in the test.
  • Significant reduction in train preparation cost.
  • Remote control for test system.
  • High reliability of the solution.
  • Increased persistence of the installation through innovative solutions.
  • Possibility to expand the system.
  • Energy efficiency: buffer tank, compressor heat recovery.
  • Ecology: power supply (no exhaust).
  • Remote monitoring and system diagnostics.
  • Local pressure control.

 Advantages of automatic control system:

  • Automation of train brake testing process.
  • Report generation and archiving.
  • Train brake test can be performed by one person.
  • Control of the test from a long distance –GSM communication.

 Advantages for users and investors:

  • Quick return on investment – even in 1 year compared to the traditional locomotive test (it depends on the number of brake tests carried out).
  • Due to the duration of the brake test of a train preparation of the train for the route is shortened several times.
  • Increasing the operational capabilities of the railway spur – by performing the test simultaneously on several tracks.
  • Optimization of the use of human resources – handling the sample by one controller and shortening the time of engagement in tests.
  • Availability and reliability of the system.
  • Increasing safety in railway transport – through automation of the brake test of a train and its repeatability.